About Us

Worship Services

We believe that the gathering of the church should be like a family. Visitors are always welcome as our special guests.

In our services, we follow the example of Christians in the New Testament. Our Sunday morning service consists of singing, praying, sharing the Lord’s Supper, Bible reading, giving and preaching. Let’s briefly look at each one of these:

Singing is one of the first things our visitors notice about us. Our singing is congregational (that is, everyone sings together) and a cappella (unaccompanied). In the New Testament (Colossians 3:16 & Ephesians 5:19), the purpose of singing is to teach each other, as well as to praise and worship God.

Prayer is a very important part of our lives as Christians as a means of expressing our hearts to God. Those leading public prayers use their own words and thoughts.

Bible reading allows us to listen to God’s Word. The reading normally relates the morning’s lesson.

The Lord’s Supper is the focal point of our service. Jesus taught His disciples to use this as a memorial observance. He instituted this observance in the upper room at the Jewish feast of Passover. First, we pass the bread and each Christian breaks off and eats a small piece. Though it looks like a cracker, it is actually a matzoth (the flat, unleavened bread used at the Passover). Jesus used the bread to remind us of His body as it hung on the cross. The cup, fruit of the vine, reminds us of His blood that was shed for our sins. The Lord’s Supper is a memorial of His cross and His great love for us. It is a time for meditation and self-examination. Because of its importance and meaning, we observe the Lord’s Supper every Sunday. Each adult visitor chooses whether or not they will partake.

Giving is part of our response to God. All of our activities are funded by the free-will contributions of our members. While visitors are free to make a donation if they wish, we do not expect them to do so.

Preaching is centred on God’s Word. Through preaching we are taught more about God and His will for our lives. We encourage people to follow along in their Bibles. If you have any questions about the lesson, please feel free to ask one of our ministers after the service.

We have bible classes for all ages as well as special programs and events scheduled throughout  the year.

More information is available by contacting us.