Mountain Men

Mountain Men 2024 is a go for the weekend of September 20th-22nd!

This year, we’re heading to Camp Cedarwood, just east of Lac du Bonnet, MB. Our speaker is Wissam Al-Aethawi, and he will be talking to us about standing firm in our faith.

The cost for the weekend will be about $160 per person, which includes all food, lodging, and activities. This weekend provides a great opportunity to slow down with your brothers, connect with God, and grow in your faith.

We need you to register now and provide a $60 deposit by the end of July so we can firm up numbers.

Please sign up here, on the list located on the Men’s Ministry board by the men’s washroom in the church building, or just speak with someone from the planning team (Richard W, Amir, Kenneth, Stephan, Lucas, Myles).