Guest Speaker Dr. Matthew Morine, pulpit minister at Castle Rock Church of Christ (Colorado), was our speaker for the weekend. The lessons will equip and empower us to effectively and confidently connect with others as we share our faith in a natural, loving, and friendly way. Evangelism is sharing the good news of King Jesus to those around us and is a vital work that we do as followers of Jesus Christ. It should not be forced or awkward, but rather something that flows naturally out of our love for the Lord. Please enjoy the recorded lessons from the weekend below.

Natural Evangelism, Session 1: Don't Wait for the Lost to Come to You

Natural Evangelism, Session 2: Share a Story, Not Sell a Product

Natural Evangelism, Session 3: Pray for More Workers

Oct 3, 2021 - The Restoration of Celebration

Click HERE to view the Natural Evangelism Workshop Notes (pdf)
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